Dear friends, welcome to our website !
I am sincerely glad to welcome you to the web page of the IAF Turan Working Group. The Turan Working Group, affiliated with the International Aikido Federation, was established on May 16, 2023, by the Union of Turkic States Aikido Federations. Aikido cannot be classified as a sport; rather, it is an art. All the arts, born in Japan, such as religion and philosophy, should be understood in order to truly grasp their essence. For those who have knowledge and understanding of Japanese civilization and art, as well as those who wish to learn or are already studying Aikido or other martial arts, the path will be long and challenging. Aikido teaches us to live in harmony with the world and ourselves. This is the essence of Aikido. We hope that our portal will serve as a reliable network channel that brings together all those who love Aikido and wish to learn this beautiful art.
Best regards, Gulmiza Seitaliyeva.
President of Kyrgyzstan Aikido Federation.

IAF Turkic Aikido Union
IAF-Turan Working Group
Turan Aikido Federation under International Aikido Federation
Union of Turkic States Aikido Federations
Turkic States Aikido Organizations
Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Türkiye, Turmenstan and Uzbekstan

President of United Aikido Organization Türkiye Mustafa Aygun Sensei 7 Dan
The highest aikido master of the Turkic Aikido Union
Office Turan Working Group
Mobile +99455 668 48 66
Office Turan Working Group
Mobile +996555 903 187
Office Turan Working Group
Mobile +99532 412 41 64