Aikido Foundation Members
«Official Dojo and Organizations» are the heart of the promotion and dissemination of Aikido. Dojo and Organization guidelines are approved by Aikikai Foundation.
International Regulations
International Regulations (Revised, Oct. 2000)
Organization Chart (PDF)

Overseas Organization
The following Aikido Organizations in each country have been given Hombu Official Recognition in accordance with the rules set forth in the International Regulations of Aikido World Headquarters. There are also a number of Aikido Organization, which have not yet been given Hombu Recognition. Those organizations, which comprise of Aikido practitioners with Aikikai Dan Grades, are also members of world Aikido family under the Aikikai’s umbrella.
Examples: International Aikido Federation aikikai-membership-web.page

Aikikai Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan “Aikikai Aikido Clubs” Public Union at first was established on september 10, 2001 as Aikikai Aikido group in sports society under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan. On march 21. 2006 private individuals Ilham Guliyev and Arzu Mikayilov with the Association of Professional Martial Arts of established Azerbaijan “ZIRVA” Professional Sport Club Public Union. On april 19, 2006 public union was registered in the Ministry Justice of the Azerbaijan Republic. On August 29, 2011, the name of the public union was changed to the Ministry Justice of the Azerbaijan Republic and was registered as “Aikikai Aikido Clubs” Public Union. Public Union conducts its activites in accordance with the law on public organisations and foundations.
Email: aikido@aikikai.org.az
Mobile: +99455 668 48 66 Fakhri Gafarli
Web sait: www.aikikai.org.az www.aikido.org.az

Aikikai Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan Aikido Birankai Federation
Email: kazakhstan@aikido-international.org
Web sait: www.birankai.kz

Aikikai Kyrgyzstan
The Kyrgyzstan Aikido Federation was officially registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyzstan Republic on October 17, 1995, and was re-registered on June 9, 1999. No. 004938. The Kyrgyzstan Aikido Federation closely cooperates with the State Agency for Physical Culture and Sports under the Government of the Kyrgyzstan Republic, the National Olympic Committee, the Kyrgyzstan State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports, the Embassy of Japan in the Kyrgyzstan Republic, the Kyrgyzstan-Japanese Business Council, and the World Center of Aikido — Aikikai Hombu Dojo ( Tokyo, Japan) and National Federations and Associations of Aikido friendly countries. On April 1, 2013, the Aikido Federation of the Kyrgyz Republic received the official recognition of the World Aikido Center Aikikai Hombu Dojo.
Email: gulmiza@gmail.com
Mobile: +996555 903 187
Web sait: www.aikido.kg

Aikikai Kyrgyzstan
Sensei Sherzod Saidaliyev 5 Dan he began to practice aikido in 1995 under the guidance of Seytaliyeva Gulmiza Sensei and Alexander Borisovich Kachan Sensei. He took an active part in the creation and development of the FAKR and the regional branch of Ooshinkan-Dojo in the Kyrgyz Republic. From July 1995 to September 2001 he was the first vice-president of the FAKR. October 2001 organized and in 2005 officially registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic aikido club «Seisenkai». Since 2011, he has been the head of the foreign branch of Ooshinkan-Dojo in the Kyrgyz Republic. On November 1, 2015, the Seisenkai Aikido Club received official recognition from the World Aikido Center, which indicates the teaching of Aikido in accordance with the international regulations of the World Aikido Center.

Aikikai Turkiye
United Aikido Organisation emerged when Mustafa Aygun started teaching Aikido in the wake of his return from Japan in 1989. United Aikido Organisation led by Mustafa Aygun is recognized not only by the official Turkish Federation but also fully authorized by the Aikikai Foundation (the Aikido World HQ) in Tokyo, Japan. United Aikido Organization is the official organization in Turkiye recognized by the AIKIKAI, which is confirmed by the corresponding certificate.
Email: mustafa.aygun@unitedaikido.org
Mobile: +99532 412 41 64
Web sait: www.unitedaikido.org

Aikikai Turkiye
Aikikai Aikido Organization
Email: ayseuludag23@hotmail.com
Web sait:

Aikikai Turkiye
Yalcin Yenice Aikido Organization
Email: yyenice@courrier.com.tr
Web sait:

Aikikai Turkiye
“Istanbul Aikikai” has been established in 1997 by Ayhan Kaya Sensei, who is also the Chief Instructor of the organization. Ayhan Kaya Sensei is the founder and chief instructor of the Istanbul Aikikai Organization. Recommended by Mitsugi Saotome Shihan for the 6th Dan degree, Kaya Sensei was awarded the rank of instructor by the Aikikai. Istanbul Aikikai is affiliated with both the Aikido Schools of Ueshiba Organization which is located in USA and with the “Aikikai Foundation The Aikido World Headquarters” located in Japan. On April 1st, 2016, “?stanbul Aikikai Organization” has been granted the “Hombu Recognition” certificate
Email: info@istanbulaikikai.org
Mobile: +90 (212) 351 00 60
Web sait: www.istanbulaikikai.org

Aikikai Turkiye
Sefer Kocak Sensei is the founder and chief instructor of Antalya Aikido. He is the leader and chief instructor of Aikido Antalya. It started in 1996 when Sefer Koçak, who has 30 years of Judo background, met Italian Aikido instructor Guglielmo Rizzo. In 2002, these studies gained depth with the project coordinated by Hakk? Gökçeo?lu and Akdeniz University with JICA. On Decamber1st, 2018, “Antaliya Aikikai Organization” has been granted the “Hombu Recognition” certificate
Web sait: www.antalyaaikikai.com

Aikikai Uzbekstan
The Aikido Federation of Uzbekistan was registered as an independent association in July 1990. From the moment of foundation to the present, the federation has been permanently headed by Khalidov Rashid Bakievich, the owner of the 6th Dan Aikido Aikikai. The Aikido Federation of Uzbekistan has been officially recognized by the Hombu Dojo (Hombu Recognition) since April 2013. In August 2014, President of the Federation Khalidov Rashid Bakievich was awarded the 6th Dan of Aikido Aikikai by the curator of the federation Yasunari Kitaura (8th Dan). The Aikido Federation of Uzbekistan is an active member of the International Euro-Asian Aikido Federation.
Email: info@aikido-uzbekistan.uz
Mobile: +998 90 940 22 51
Web sait: www.aikido-uzbekistan.uz