30.09-01.10.2023 Istanbul, Türkiye Suzuki Toshio Shihan

United Aikido Organization of Türkiye

Valuable individuals of Turkish Aikido!
The date of our 40th Anniversary celebration has been announced. On Saturday and Sunday, September 30-October 1, 2023, we will celebrate the 40th anniversary of our country’s Aikido with a great Aikido Feast. In addition to all aikido practitioners in Turkey, many Aikido practitioners from abroad will attend this celebration. This celebration, which will take place in the form of a two-day seminar, will be in Istanbul. Aikikai headquarters did not refuse our request for this celebration and appointed the young Aikido master Suzuki Toshio Shihan. Turkish WuShu Federation — Aikido Branch also stated that they would provide all kinds of support and participation for this beautiful meeting. There will be record participation in this celebratory seminar, which will form the basis for the establishment of a big and happy Aikido family, where all kinds of resentment will come to an end. We will be happy to see everyone who wants to take part in this magnificent painting with us. As Türkiye’s first generation in Aikido, we are preparing for the handover and are ready and willing to do our best so that the next generation does not experience the problems we have. As always, in this seminar, we will feel the moral support of the entire Kumagai family, especially Kumagai Shihan, and we will once again express our gratitude to them. Great Turkish Aikido will be established. Great Turkish Aikido will also undertake important duties for the Turan Aikido Federation. The Turkish World will come together through Aikido and find the value it deserves.
Regards, Mustafa Aygun.
President United Aikido Organization of Turkiye.