
IAF Turan Working Group (Turan Aikido Federation) is an Aikido union of Turkic states established by the International Aikido Federation. The foundation of the IAF Turan Working Group (Turan Aikido Federation) was decided during the official visit of the Chairman of the International Aikido Federation Mr. Wilko Vriesman to Azerbaijan on May 16-19, 2023. According to this decision, the management board of Azerbaijan Aikikai Aikido Clubs Public Union has started negotiations with Aikido organizations of Turkic-speaking countries. During the process, negotiations were started between International Aikido Federation members Kyrgyzstan and Turkey. Initially, an International Aikido Federation Turan working group was formed between the 3 countries.

The Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan participates in the International Aikido Federation of Turan working group as an observer.

1. Help each other to strengthen the position of Aikikai Aikido in the region as a brand.
2. Help each other in cooperation with the IAF to achieve national recognition of the sport discipline.
3. Participation in events (Support through participation in seminars and events held by each country).
4. Strengthen the common cultural heritage.
5. There will be no membership fees in the Aikido Turan Federation.

Member countries
Aikikai Azerbaijan
Aikikai Kyrgyzstan
Aikikai Turkiye

Observer countries
Aikikai Kazakhstan
Aikikai Uzbekistan